The people's guide.Fountain "Children's dance" was one of the main symbols of the tragedy of the battle of Stalingrad

 30 / Октябрь / 2016   1150   

The people's guide.Fountain

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The people's guide.Fountain "Children's dance" was one of the main symbols of the tragedy of the battle of Stalingrad

You can see that in the center of the composition is the figure. This children's dance. We can say that the figures symbolize a carefree childhood that was taken away, torn from those children who experienced the bombing, siege, and occupation


Dmitry Belov, Vice-President of the International charitable Foundation "battle of Stalingrad" tells of the sights of the city-hero of Volgograd - fountain "Children dance".


If you look at the history of this fountain, it was opened in pre-war Stalingrad. During the battle of Stalingrad August 23, 1942, when the city was subjected to fierce bombardment, quite by accident, here on the Forecourt was one of the cameraman crew Director Varlamov, who was shooting the film "Stalingrad".

Trying to capture the entire panorama of the Forecourt, a burning building, railway station, then it looked different, it is a postwar building in the shot accidentally hit this sculpture,

Making a freeze frame of this film, later in all of the photo albums in all the guidebooks it is this sculptural group on the background of a burning train station Stalingrad-1 has become a symbol of the tragedy of the civilian population that happened here during the battle of Stalingrad.


After the battle, the sculpture is almost intact, it was split into fragments, some figurines missing head.

In 1943, during the shooting of another film – "the Restoration of Stalingrad" - we see footage of that here stockpiled unexploded ordnance. In the absence of sewer, water, many residents here took the rainwater that once again underlined the tragedy that happened here.

In 50-ies, during the reconstruction of the station square, the fountain was demolished.

You can see that in the center of the composition is the figure. This children's dance. We can say that the figures symbolize a carefree childhood that was taken away, torn from those children who experienced the bombing, siege, and occupation.

Maybe that's why this sculpture has become more precious and symbolic, "the children of military Stalingrad", this Association of our city which made everything in order to restore this fountain.

This fountain was opened 3 years ago. The opening was attended by President Vladimir Putin. This is one of the first sights that greets the guests of Volgograd, because it is situated in front of the station Volgograd-1. Leaving the building, please note the fountain, take a picture, toss a coin. It will be a nice beginning of a journey through the historical space of the city."

Video and material taken from the website: a Reflection

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