Charitable Foundation "battle of Stalingrad" gathered the people's diplomats of Russia and France v

 10 / Май / 2018   1811   

Charitable Foundation

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Charitable Foundation "battle of Stalingrad" gathered the people's diplomats of Russia and France v

France holds the leading place in the world in the number of streets, squares, boulevards and other toponyms named in honor of Stalingrad (only 167 references to Stalingrad in France).


The meeting participants welcomed the rector WGSU, doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor Alexander Korotkov. "We are proud of our relationship with the French partners: agreements signed with universities of France, including the Higher school of teacher training in Dijon. In addition, in our University there is an extensive training of teachers of teachers of French language," he said.

Following this, the Foundation's President Dmitry Belov summarized the results of two international projects implemented by the Foundation "the battle of Stalingrad" on the funds they won the presidential grant: carrying out in the cities of the French Republic, a mobile exhibition on the theme of the battle of Stalingrad "Stalingrad in the destiny of France" and flashmob "Thank you, Stalingrad", which was joined by participants all over the world.

The round table was attended by numerous organizations, creative and civil associations engaged in the development of friendly relations between citizens of the two countries, including through joint implementation of projects in the field of public diplomacy.

Dmitry de koshko , head of the movement "Stop Russophobia" and his wife Isabelle – member of the Union of Russophones of France (Saint-Ouen) reported about the established their award "Rusophonia" for the best translation of a French book on Russian language.

Vice-President of the Association "ArtTema" nice Anna Chernysheva and organizer of the "Immortal regiment" Artem Arifov shared impressions from the comparison conducted their demonstrations in Strasbourg and Lille, and in a similar action in Volgograd.

Julien Marti – head of the Association of military re-enactors "Red star" (Lyon) – told them about the organized reconstruction of the battle for the factory "Barricades".

They became Frederick Rikol', which conducted a major study on the history of the name of Stalingrad to the city objects on the territory of France.

Add that France is a leader in the world in number of streets, squares, boulevards and other toponyms named in honor of Stalingrad (only 167 references to Stalingrad in France).

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